Sam is a long-term Club Peloton rider and supporter, regularly taking on challenges most would find impossible to complete, and annually rides an astonishing number of miles as a Club Peloton Ride Captain.
Sam travelled to South Africa to tackle the Ultra-Trail Table Mountain Challenge; this involves trail running up over and around Table Mountain, with a starting ascent of 1,500m. Participants have to negotiate challenging terrain, weather conditions and distances, which would be enough to put off many of even the most seasoned of runners.
Sam raised more than £5,000 for Coram and The Duke of Edinburgh’s Award to change young lives, and explains in her own words what motivated her to take on yet another challenge for her chosen charities:
“While I may call myself ‘the nutter’ when I decide to do some sort of extreme sporting event for charity, I’m actually not nuts. I’m actually a very lucky and privileged person because I’m able to do these extreme sporting adventures. Choosing to test my limits and have adventures – albeit often quite painful ones – is a privilege. And to remind myself of that, I think of the people in this world who don’t have that opportunity, the people that are born into this world with all that taken away from them. And then I think of the wonderful people in this world who find space in their hearts, minds and homes to give, to provide the opportunities for people without to have, to dream, to do.
“That is why I always choose Coram when I go into ‘nutter’ mode. It not only is those people but it also facilitates others to become those people. If I can use my ability to push myself (and make myself hurt) to enable them, then I’m absolutely going to do it. And I promise to keep thinking up new challenges so I can keep helping Coram help those that need it most.”