Local Level ASGLB Data Q2 2020/21

This spreadsheet provides local level information on the adoption process, derived from the quarterly Adoption and Special Guardianship Leadership Board (ASGLB) adoption survey, covering quarter 2 of 2020-2021.

Information is provided in four tables:

  • the first gives information on child progress through the adoption process (“Adoptions LA” tab).
  • The next two tabs cover adoptive families progress, one for local authority (LA) recruitment and another for voluntary adoption agency (VAA) recruitment (“Adoptive families LA” and “Adoptive families VAA” tabs).
  • The final sheet is a new table covering Local Authority Special Guardianship Orders (“SGOs LAs” tab).
  • In addition to this new sheet there is new data in the Adoptions LA spreadsheet concerning children who have been waiting for more than 90 days, the number of children no longer considered for adoption, placement providers, the number of children placed in Fostering to Adopt/concurrent planning and family finding status. Both the Adoptive families sheets now include the number of adopters who have left the process after approval.