Two weeks ago, 31 incredible humans got up very early, put on their trainers and filled with excitement and nerves headed to central London- they were about to take part in the London Marathon, the biggest running event in the UK. I arrived at 7.50 in the morning, excited and nervous too, ready to elbow my way across the embankment to secure our cheering point.
As the morning went on, we were joined by Coram cheerers including staff and runners families, our faces soon matching the red in our Coram t-shirts as we cheered on Team Coram. What an incredible day, and what fantastic supporters we have! Team Coram raised over £81,000, a staggering amount that will go directly towards our services, helping the most vulnerable children and young people in the UK.
Everyone has different reasons for taking part in the London Marathon. Team Coram had a collective reason, to help give children and young people better and brighter futures that they deserve.
For runners like Chris who adopted through Coram, or Jon whose great grandmother was an ex Foundling Hospital pupil, it was personal. Our very own Hazel from Coram’s Children’s Legal Centre raised over £4,000 to support the Vulnerable Child Fund which will enable us to help more vulnerable children and young people uphold their legal rights. We had teams from our corporate partners; Sam, Carly and Yogesh from Coutts, Kate, Matthew, Oli and Ilya from Havas and Team Parkeray who raised over £14,000 running the Marathon for a second time to support Coram – well done guys! Let’s not forget Shaun and James who also took part in the Brighton marathon a few weeks before the London Marathon!
To each and everyone one of you, it is hard to put into words how grateful I am for all your support, our sweaty hug exchange at the post marathon reception didn’t quite cut it! But seriously, Coram is delighted by your amazing achievements; the impact of the funds you have raised will create a lifetime of difference. Here’s a video celebrating your success, enjoy!