Coram social worker wins national award

  • 14 November 2013
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Rosemary Wolfson with Edward Timpson MP at the awards 

Rosemary Wolfson, who worked in Coram’s Concurrent Planning service for 11 years scooped the award at the event on Tuesday 5 November in Barbican. It was held by the British Association for Adoption and Fostering (BAAF) to celebrate excellence across the adoption sector. 

Rosemary was nominated by mother of three, Sarah, who adopted two of her children, who are half-siblings, through Coram. 

Sarah said that Rosemary had been fantastic from the first moment and given her family a huge amount of support over the years:

“My children were affected by some quite serious issues in their birth home.  

“When my daughter came to live with us, there was a lot of challenging behaviour and the pressure on the whole family was very intense.

“I wanted to nominate Rosemary because without her, I simply don’t think I could have coped.” 

Sarah said: “Rosemary visited us in the day and in the evenings, often seeing the children and playing with them, then staying on to offer my husband and me her advice and support. Her knowledge on how to support children like my daughter was boundless.

“It takes inspirational people to change children’s lives. I just wish that there was a constant supply of Rosemary’s and can’t imagine anyone more deserving of this award. I think she should be knighted!” 

Rosemary qualified as a social worker in 1971, and was an accredited Children’s Guardian from 1986 to 2002.  

Alan Wood, BAAF’s Deputy Chief Executive, said: “The National Adoption Week Awards are a great opportunity to recognise all the fantastic work being carried out by adoption social workers and their agencies throughout the UK and to thank everyone who supports adoption and BAAF”.

Special guest Children’s Minister Edward Timpson MP gave the awards and broadcaster and BAAF Patron Nicky Campbell played host. 

Useful Links

List of winners  Concurrent Planning