Bright Spots Snapshot, Our Lives Our Care: looked after children’s views on their well-being in 2018

In 2018, Bright Spots produced a snapshot Our Lives Our Care: looked after children’s views on their well-being in 2018, based on what 2,684 children in care from 17 English local authorities told Coram Voice through the Your Life, Your Care survey in 2017/18.

It gives an insight into how children and young people in care really feel about their lives.

This snapshot gives a much needed insight into how children and young people in care really feel about their lives. It is based on the largest current survey of looked after children and pulls together what 2,684 children in care from 17 English local authorities told us through the Your Life, Your Care survey in 2017/18.

This snapshot summarises the findings from the responses of:

  • 397 4-6 year olds
  • 656 8-11 year olds
  • 1,631 11-18 year olds